Forbidden Shells (Plastic Race)

 2. Forbidden Shells (Plastic Race) by Maria Fokas

I yearn for memories dressed in pleasure; silky silver wrappings, tied in red ribbons, as the snow settles in the winter nights. And when spring comes, breakfast in a secluded diner; your choice, and I’ll be there for that smile; such beauty is soothing to the heart. I want to sail away with my lover in the summertime, and forget all the plastic in the world; too much of it everywhere we turn. I close my eyes and see you sitting at that old forgotten piano. Your fingers dance on the keys and a familiar nostalgic melody fondles my ears. And right when I think our imagination has escaped the lies, I read this:

A staff writer named Liz Dwyer writes about the discovery of a solution to the plastic problem polluting the environment, “One solution,” she claims, “is an edible fungus that likes to chow down on the non-biodegradable material; Plastic could be degraded by fungi and turned into food.” At least that’s the idea behind the Fungi Mutarium, a pilot project from designer Katharina Unger, and biology researchers at Utretcht University in the Netherlands. So how is this idea applied? Katharina explains: Bits of plastic are first sterilized with UV light, then placed into tiny cups made from an edible substance called agar. The fungi are then dropped into the cup. As it grows, it devours all the plastic. “It’s ready to be eaten when there is no more visible plastic material inside; the end product is similar to mushrooms, and can be flavored to taste like a fruity dessert,” said Unger. Has logic gone astray, or have I just lost my humor?

Where is Hemingway; remember that charming man who spoke with sensual words that embraced the taste buds of our imagination? He spoke of oysters consumed by the salt of the sea, and crisp white wine that mesmerized; as if he were describing the touch of making love on a satin beach under a seductive blue sky with lonely wishing stars. He described the aroma of the heavens, as a cold fragrant drink which washes down the sea and leaves a sweet sensation on the tongue. He whispered of a drink which removes the empty feeling to make us happy enough to make plans again.

On second thought, where’s that bottle of wine, red or white, either one can take me to heaven, or away from thoughts of plastic eating munchkins on supermarket shelves with promises they cannot keep. Imagine if another scientist chips in on the action, and starts claiming that these treats can get rid of wrinkles, or even enhance erections. Imagine what will happen then; A multi-trillion dollar industry. Wall Street, here they come!

And when night falls, I’ll be waiting in that autumn breeze. So, let the waking days mock me if they choose. I won’t resent the nights for not knowing how to vanish the seas between us; for when I close my eyes, your smile fills my dreams. And when our ship sails, our hearts will sleep my love, knowing it was meant to be.

© Maria Fokas 2015/All Rights Reserved

2 thoughts on “Forbidden Shells (Plastic Race)

  1. In spite of your skepticism Maria there might well be a market for erections without wrinkles but I’ll stick with what I know best for the moment. This is inspired writing tickling the taste buds of imagination while ears feel fondled on satin beaches – inspired, admired and greatly enjoyed.

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